To ensure the successful delivery of the aims of the project in the most cost-effective manner, to establish successful channels of communication between project partners, the EU Commission, other interrelated European and national projects, the water industry and the scientific community.
The project will be co-ordinated by the UK scientific partner who will provide all necessary administrative support. They will be supported by the UK applied partner who will be primarily responsible for advising on the technical and operational issues related to the project and the practical application of the conclusions drawn from it.
The project co-ordinator will assume overall responsibility for the efficient administrative, financial and scientific management of the proposed project, together with the implementation, integration, reporting and dissemination of all components of the project. They will be responsible for ensuring clear, effective and rapid channels of communication within the group and for establishing and maintaining contact with the Council of Europe and their inter-related projects and with all other such organisations, research groups and agencies with related interests to the proposed programme of work.
The project co-ordinator will ensure that the Council of Europe are fully and regularly appraised of the main developments and results of the research programme and will attend all such meetings as requested by the Council in order to inform them of the progress of the work and its significance to the implementation of the articles of the 'Directive Establishing a Framework for Community Action in the Field of Water Policy'.
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