WP 2: Project homepage
To provide a strategically important mechanism for establishing the effective means of communication identified in Workpackage 1.
Methodology/work description
The project's homepage will be developed at the beginning of the project and will be continuously updated and enhanced throughout the duration of the project. The development and maintenance of the website will be vested with a single Member State of the consortium (Austria), with the appropriate facilities and expertise. The consortium webmaster will be advised on a regular basis by a small technical sub-committee of project Member States but all consortium members will contribute to the development process.
The external component of the project website will be designed to:
- Inform the Council of Europe, the water industry and the academic community of the existence and aims of the project.
- Publish project sampling protocols and analytical quality control procedures.
- Disseminate the principal results of the survey including the option to receive comments on these reports, which will be sent to the consortium members automatically.
- Provide a gateway for external contact with the project consortium.
- Allow the inward transfer of existing datasets of benefit to the objectives of the project.
- Provide information on the monitoring procedures in current use in Europe.
- Incorporate the functionality of the current AQEM project in terms of taxonomic, trophic and habitat preference listings of the fauna of member states.
- Provide active links to a wide range of other relevant webpages, including the Council of Europe, consortium member organisations, other relevant research groups and projects, national and international water industry organisations and many others.
The website will also provide an intra-net facility for consortium members only. A discussion forum will be established. It will be possible to:
- Circulate preliminary results to consortium members.
- Easily discuss these results online. For members who are not permanently online an email-link will be provided which automatically transmits incoming comments as an email.
- Provide rapid feedback on audit results.
All discussion-contributions will be stored and managed in a database, which allows query-access for consortium members.