STAR Workplan

Workpackages Workpackage overview Time Table

Workpackages (WP)

The project is broken down into 15 Workpackages and can be divided into two main sections. The first section, covering Workpackages 3 to 9, aims to provide the data for a database on macroinvertebrate fauna, fish fauna, aquatic flora and river habitat structure in two core stream types and nine additional stream types supplemented by existing data. This is the tool for the second part (Workpackages 10-14), which aims to solve the problems to prepare standardisation.

In addition to contributing to a wider geographic range of sites, stream types, specific stressors and more robust and extensive databases, the additional NAS partners will work in comnjunction with the initial consortium to deliver four further distinct workpackages (WP16 - WP 19) designed to bring added value to the project. Each of these WPs is designed to be undertaken simultaneously.

The first part of the project (Workpackages 3 to 9), the provision of data, will be carried out by all partners. The resulting database will be hosted by the co-ordinator. The central evaluation of the database (Workpackages 11 and 12) will be done by selected partners only, but all will participate in the preparation of the future standard.
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Workpackage overview

The following table shows the participation of partners in the individual Workpackages. Points indicate participating member states for whom funding requested, diamonds indicate participation by permanent staff of AC-funded partners, stars indicate Workpackage leaders and grey shading indicate other principal investigators.

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Time table

The work will be carried out according to the following timetable.

Month 1 of the STAR project is January 2002 and the project is of three years duration. The actual commencement of the STAR project at this time defines the actual months associated with all month numbers. In the same table it is assumed that the new NAS partners will start to contribute to the programme of work in month 13 (January 2003) and will thus be of two years duration. The specific NAS tasks will be completed in time to be integrated with existing STAR WPs in order that all original STAR deadlines can be met.

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