To compile an overview of data on reference conditions and existing assessment methods using benthic invertebrates, fish, phytobenthos, macrophytes and river habitat surveys, national standards on sampling, analysis and quality evaluation, related national projects and existing databases. To use this information so as to ensure that the current proposal adopts the most relevant European procedures in order to meet its objectives. The results will be presented on the "Review-page".
An aim of the project is to facilitate inter-calibration of the principal methodologies likely to be adopted by the Member States in their implementation of the Water Framework Directive. In order to ensure that the methods adopted for testing within the project are the most appropriate in terms of their widespread current or likely future use, a detailed review will be undertaken of procedures in current use in Member States for monitoring the ecological status of lotic waterbodies. The taxonomic and other categories considered will include:
In addition, data sources on reference communities will be sampled. The information will be gathered from a combination of sources:
A specially designed questionnaire will be circulated to each of the principal agencies with responsibility for monitoring the ecological status of lotic waterbodies in Member States of the Council of Europe including the candidate states. These will include agencies with national, federal, regional or specific River Basin responsibilities.
The questionnaire will address the following issues:
Overview |